The fundamentals of every visual medium are line, shape, form, texture and balance. They are always used in the design.

Lines can be used to guide. They can differ in weight, colour, texture, originality.

Shapes can make things more visible and they can be geometric or organic

Form are shapes but 3D or 2- dimensional shapes but they have shade. This can bring realism to your design.

Texture adds depth and interest, but too much makes it messy or hard to look at.

Balance makes it calming to look and good overall.

Layout and composition

Layout and composition are used to make navigation easy. There are five things to focus on.

Proximity: things that are related are place close to each other and

things that are unrelated need to separate

White space: negative space/ empty space,

can give room for things to be brought out more

Alignment: consistency is important,

placement makes a difference like using a 3×3 grid

Contrast: one is different from the other in colour, size,

shape or different text. gives hierarchy

Repetition: remember to carry through the same text type or colour theme

this can make the user more relaxed.

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